Natural Remedy for Depression

What’s the Best Natural Remedy for Depression

Stress and overexertion are dangerous factors that can negatively affect our health. First, they have the potential to make you depressed. You should pay close attention to the messages your body sends you. Lack of energy, constant fatigue, and a feeling of sadness that occurs for no particular reason may be the first signs of depression. Therefore, if you notice similar symptoms you need to consult a doctor.

One of the therapies for depression is the use of natural remedies. However, it is necessary to find out the features of their use. Finding the right natural treatment for depression is often challenging. That is what we will assist you in this topic. Today, the method of treating depression that has become popular among people is microdosing of psilocybin. It is a psychedelic substance found in magic mushrooms. So, today we will also talk about using magic mushrooms for depression.


So, why magic mushrooms cure depression? Studies have shown that psilocybin interacts with parts of our brain. Those parts are responsible for our feelings and thoughts that are on the autopilot of our body. It helps to change them. More precisely, your brain learns to perceive familiar situations in a new way. It helps us to get rid of the eternal feeling of anxiety and sadness. Studies have also shown that psilocybin binds to serotonin receptors. In its turn, serotonin is responsible for the feeling of happiness. 

St. John’s wort

One of the natural antidepressants is St. John’s wort. It copes well with feelings of mild anxiety and sadness. That is why this herbal medicine is used to treat mild depression. However, it cannot cope with the severe symptoms. Excessive use can also have consequences such as dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, and poor concentration.


SAMe is a compound found in our bodies. You can also buy it as a supplement in online stores or pharmacies. This compound is responsible for the production of serotonin and dopamine. That is why it is effective in treating depression. In fact, SAMe will have the best effect if you use a form with enteric-coated for maximum absorption.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Another natural antidepressant is Omega-3 fatty acids. It is one of the types of fats that our body cannot produce on its own. It is important for the normal functioning of our brain. That is why its deficiency can affect a person’s psychological well-being. Also, its use with antidepressants may increase its effect.


5-HTP is also a compound that is produced in our body. It is responsible for the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin in our bodies. However, there is no evidence of its use as a dietary supplement that may contribute to this process.


So, if you want to use natural antidepressants you need to find out the peculiarity of the action on your body. In addition, you should use only those methods that are proven. It is also important to know if a natural remedy for depression has any side effects.